LinkedIn: Your business’ missing Social Media Beast

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It’s part of social media’s “big three”, but LinkedIn has always been a little bit behind the eight ball for businesses compared to Facebook and Twitter. But over the last few years, it’s made strides to get ahead and help businesses grow their brand identity, their experiences, and their ideals. Within the world of LinkedIn, there are a few nifty ways in which you can promote your business on the world’s third-biggest social media platform.

Post recommendations/Give endorsements to people you know

The first part of networking is to make the first move. Posting a recommendation for one of your clients shows a willingness to establish a connection. Same too when it comes to endorsing businesses and clients’ skills. It highlights the value of your client’s/business’s talents and abilities. Be the first to make the move.

Showcase your company page.

Creating a company page is the best way to kick off a connection with everyone on LinkedIn. And remember, everyone on LinkedIn is either a potential client, business partner or customer. You have to think of ways to connect with them. A company page is much like Facebook’s profile page or Twitter handle. The idea is to create a central hub that provides a complete overview of your business and highlights what you are all about. From here, you can build a following and establish a credible reputation.

Promote your expertise and business.

There is no point in having a company page without having anything on it. That means loading it up with anything and everything you can is ideal. Upload videos, photos, projects, and works of what your business has done in the past to highlight your best work. Secondly, continually posting blog posts from your website or posts about your industry is great for establishing connections and showing future customers, partners, and so forth that you’re engaged in your company and with them.

Join industry groups

How do you connect with people in real life? You go to parties, functions, and public places and join groups. The same applies to LinkedIn: joining groups involved in your industry is a fantastic way of establishing customers and partners for the future. More importantly, it’s about networking.

Use SEO to boost your company page on search engines

Like boosting your website through SEO Melbourne, you should increase your LinkedIn company page. Using keywords that match your website will bring potential clients, customers, and partners to your LinkedIn page and will connect with you.

Make quality Connections

The bread and butter of LinkedIn: making connections to potential clients, customers, and business partners. But make sure you are connecting with quality connections that are going to help grow and network your business. Look for these two things when making a connection: a professional and respectable history and one with more than 150 connections. More connections mean more potential networking for you.

….but don’t just make a connection

What’s the point of making a connection if you aren’t going to connect with them? When a connection is established, don’t wait for them to message you; go ahead and get in touch with them first. And when making connections with direct messaging, make it personal; that way, it shows you are a) a human and b) treating your partners and customers as a person instead of numbers.


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